Wikinews interviews Guillermo Chas , constitutional lawyer, university professor and politician about the management of the Health Emergency due
to COVID-19 in Corrientes.
Guillermo Chas is an Argentine attorney and legal advisor, who also works as a consultant on public and political affairs. Lawyer - Consultant - University Professor.
Guillermo Chas is frequently consulted by regional and national journalistic media about current legal, legal and political issues. To see his recent notes and interviews
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Wikinews: How do you think the pandemic is being handled in Corrientes?
Guillermo Chas: Obviously, because of my profession and because of
my activity throughout these months in the framework of the Sanitary Emergency, my answer will be oriented to the institutional and legal management
of the situation, since regarding the strictly epidemiological question are the medical specialists who must give us their vision. From an institutional
point of view, Governor Gustavo Valdés managed, in general lines, within the margins of legality, reasonableness and proportionality that could be expected,
although some measures that he took initially, such as the partial closure, but in the Almost total practice, the Chaco-Corrientes Bridge generated legal claims
that prospered, evidencing that there was some type of excess.
Wikinews: And in the case of municipalities, how has the procedure been?
Wikinews: Could you elaborate on this last concept of constitutional supremacy and concurrent powers?
Wikinews: You intervened in numerous cases that gained media significance. What was the behavior of the municipalities and how was it resolved?
Wikinews: After these cases, do you consider that the municipalities have adapted their actions to the right?
To get answers of all these questions or Do you have any opinion about this story? Visit the wikinews website for reading Guillermo Chas interview.
This interview includes an original newspaper report from a wikreporter. See the discussion for more details.