Many people in their early twenties or late teens have their wisdom teeth removed. But not everyone has to have these teeth pulled out. While dentists usually have conflicting views regarding this. It's best to consult with a professional if you think you need to get rid of these teeth. But first, check out the following good reasons for having wisdom teeth removed:
While dental surgery sounds quite scary, wisdom teeth extraction could usually be a better experience than not doing it in terms of the pain related to problems with these teeth. But many people don't experience any problem when a wisdom tooth emerges and doesn't have to remove it. In spite of this, most dentists will recommend wisdom teeth removal if you experience these:
1. The teeth do not fit in your mouth:
Most people have enough room for 28 teeth (the number of teeth a person has before wisdom teeth emerge). So four wisdom teeth plus 28 regular teeth equals 32, 32 teeth trying to fit into a small space in your jaw. When your jaw is not big enough, your wisdom teeth could become impacted, meaning they're not able to erupt completely or they're misaligned. In such situation, wisdom teeth removal is necessary to have enough room.
2. You feel chronic pain in the gums near the wisdom tooth:
This could be an indication of infection that could happen from wisdom teeth which erupted partially. When bacteria and food are trapped in such areas, it could result in painful infection referred to as pericoronitis. Removing the tooth in such case will prevent more painful infection.
3. The teeth do not emerge straight. If these teeth erupt fully but come out sideways, they could cause your other teeth to shift over time. Also, there's a chance that misaligned teeth could damage your nearby teeth.
4. Cyst develops around your wisdom tooth. This happens when the sac near your tooth is filled with fluid. When such happens, it could ruin the surrounding structures like tooth roots or bone. In very rare situations, a cyst that's not treated could result in the development of a tumor which will require a more intense surgical procedure.
Things to Expect from the Procedure
Talk to your dentist or oral surgeon to make sure that you understand the procedure and the care recommendations after the surgery. But before the procedure, ask about the following:
* The number of teeth to be removed: Some dentists will extract all four, or a few at a time.
* The type of anesthesia to be used: Normally, you'll undergo either general or local anesthesia. If your dentist will use general anesthesia, you'll need someone to come with you because you'll become groggy and you won't be able to drive home.
* The length of the procedure: This depends on the number of teeth to be removed as well as your teeth's condition, but could range from one hour to several hours.
* Pre-surgery instructions: You may be advised to avoid particular medications like aspirin or blood thinners before the surgery.
All out wisdom teeth St George and Phoenix - Wisdom Teeth Extraction Service, We take out Wisdom Teeth in St George and Phoenix Areas Wisdom Teeth Removal
Experts at Half the cost of an Oral Surgeon, Schedule your FREE consult with Dr. Emett. Half Price Wisdom Teeth Removal St George, No dry socket guarantee, PRF for Faster Recovery, In House Anesthesia Specialist,
All Out Wisdom Teeth Experience, At Reasonable Price.
A No Dry Socket Money Back Guarantee
We want you to have a fast recovery so we offer a money-back Guarantee. If you get a dry socket, we will refund your money.
Our Pricing is Clear and Understandable
A standard oral surgeon can charge $3000 to remove your wisdom teeth. We charge $1299 for everything.
A Professional Doctor There To Help Anytime
Our Doctors understand you may be nervous. Don’t be. We try to get it done as gently and quickly as possible.
Experience and Staff Like No Other.
We want your experience to be exceptional. The moment you walk in the door are Doctor and staff will be waiting to serve you
Dr. Jason S Emett is a General Dentist practicing in the removal of wisdom teeth.
Dr. Emett grew up in Utah and attended Dixie State University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology.
He completed dental school at UNLV School of Dental Medicine in Las Vegas and has advanced training in the field of wisdom teeth extractions.
Please visit our website for more information, Thank You.